So, haven't you noticed that my past posts have become less and less doll related? Or craft related, for that matter. So, with ever growing realization, I have come to a conclusion that I have outgrown this blog.
My life, with the entering of middle school, has become so unbelievably different, and I have been introduced to many, many new and wonderful things. And with these growing interests, I have found myself spending less, and less time actually playing with my dolls, and spending my time doing other, more interesting things.
I suppose it had to happen some time. Now, don't get me wrong, I still enjoy crafting and designing things for my dolls. Photography has become an especially enjoyed hobby. So, here's my idea.
At 9:00 am EST on Sunday May, 17 this blog will be renamed . Instead of focusing on dolls, I will focus on my life, and my thoughts on this extraordinary adventure. So, I thank you, for taking the time to glance at my blog, you have affected my life in a way that is hard to imagine. So, as I close this one chapter in my life, I welcome you into another.