Thursday, March 26, 2015

I'd Rather Be Whistling In The Dark

For anyone who doesn't get that, it's a They Might Be Giants song about what you'd rather be doing.

        That song pretty much fits this week. I was so unbelievably hectic. This explains my lack of a weekly post. I had a science test, a social studies project, a reading timeline, a memoir first draft, a math quiz, and math benchmarks. Not your average week. Not to mention my brothers got out of school on Wednesday, making me feel so much more agitated. What could I have been doing this week? I could've doodled, drafted, written poetry, sewn, and read. I hardly got to do anything but projects. This might have something to do with my horrible procrastination.*winks*
        One week till spring break! And about two weeks to my birthday! So here's to a stress-free next week!*clinks glass, accidentally spilling my grape juice it all over your shirt*. Whoops. Heheheheheheheheh


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