Saturday, May 16, 2015

Goodbye, and Welcome

     So, haven't you noticed that my past posts have become less and less doll related? Or craft related, for that matter. So, with ever growing realization, I have come to a conclusion that I have outgrown this blog.
        My life, with the entering of middle school, has become so unbelievably different, and I have been introduced to many, many new and wonderful things. And with these growing interests, I have found myself spending less, and less time actually playing with my dolls, and spending my time doing other, more interesting things.
       I suppose it had to happen some time. Now, don't get me wrong, I still enjoy crafting and designing things for my dolls. Photography has become an especially enjoyed hobby. So, here's my idea. At 9:00 am EST on Sunday May, 17 this blog will be renamed . Instead of focusing on dolls, I will focus on my life, and my thoughts on this extraordinary adventure. So, I thank you, for taking the time to glance at my blog, you have affected my life in a way that is hard to imagine. So, as I close this one chapter in my life, I welcome you into another.

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